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Donoghue E.: Akin

Артикул: p6461668

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О товаре

A retired New York professor’s life is thrown into chaos when he takes his great-nephew to the French Riviera, in hopes of uncovering his own mother’s wartime secrets.

Noah is only days away from his first trip back to Nice since he was a child when a social worker calls looking for a temporary home for Michael, his eleven-year-old great-nephew. Though he has never met the boy, he gets talked into taking him along to France.

This odd couple, suffering from jet lag and culture shock, argue about everything from steak hache to screen time, and the trip is looking like a disaster. But as Michael’s ease with tech and sharp eye help Noah unearth troubling details about their family’s past, both of them come to grasp the risks that people in all eras have run for their loved ones, and find they are more akin than they knew.

Written with all the tenderness and psychological intensity that made Room a huge bestseller, Akin is a funny, heart-wrenching tale of an old man and a boy who unpick their painful story and start to write a new one together.


Donoghue E.
Год издания:
Количество страниц:
130x197 мм
0.25 кг
Осталось мало
982 ₽
597 ₽ - 39%
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Анна Зыбина

Мне очень понравился этот роман Эммы Донохью, неожиданные отношения между маленьким мальчиком и пожилым джентльменом были действительно хорошо написаны и показались мне аутентичными. Второстепенная история о подпольной системе сокрытия еврейских детей от нацистов была мне незнакома, а потому весьма интересна. Мне очень нравится, когда романы не завязаны идеально бантиком, и здесь это действительно так. Хорошее повседневное чтиво, которое увлекает.

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