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Steel D.: Daddy's Girls

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О товаре

Decades ago, after the death of his wife, Texas ranch hand JT Tucker took his three small daughters to California to start a new life. With almost no money, a will of iron, and hard work, he eventually built the biggest ranch in California. but when he dies suddenly at the age of 64, the ranch is inherited by his three daughters - each of them finding it impossible to believe this larger-than-life figure is gone from their lives.

JT's relationship with each daughter was entirely different. Caroline, the youngest and most reserved, was overlooked by her father for her entire life and fled to become a wife, mother, and writer in Marin County. Gemma, his declared favorite, sought out Hollywood glamour and success and became a major television star. Kate, the eldest, stayed at home with her father to do his bidding as a ranch hand, without thanks or praise, forsaking marriage and a family of her own for the love of him.

Now, upon JT's death, the paper trail he leaves behind begins to reveal much more than the three sisters ever guessed about who he really was. It will turn their world upside down, and each of them must grapple with a new reality, strengthening their relationships with one another and discovering who they are now as grown women, in spite of him.

Set against the magnificent backdrop of the West and the drams of a family in turmoil, 'DADDY'S GIRLS' is the story of three remarkable women and their unique bond to each other - the daughters of a complex, many-faceted, domineering father who left his mark on each of them.


Steel D.
Pan Books
Год издания:
Количество страниц:
130x195 мм
0.21 кг

Александра Головенко

Даниэлла Стил - один из моих любимых авторов, и я люблю все ее книги. Эта книга тоже не стала исключением! Эта книга - история трех сестер, у каждой из которых были свои отношения с отцом. После его смерти оставленный им бумажный след начинает открывать гораздо больше, чем сестры могли предположить, кем он был на самом деле. Это перевернет их мир с ног на голову, и каждой из них придется бороться с новой реальностью, укрепляя свои отношения друг с другом и открывая для себя, кто они теперь. Мне понравились все персонажи этой истории и то, как история сосредоточена на каждом из них, как они сталкиваются со своими проблемами и в конце концов становятся сильнее.

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