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Afzali M., Ryazantsev S.: Iranians on the Move: Migration Trends and the Role of the Diaspora. Monograph

Артикул: p6610670

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Iranians on the Move: Migration Trends and the Role of the Diaspora. Monograph - фото 1
Iranians on the Move: Migration Trends and the Role of the Diaspora. Monograph - фото 2

О товаре

This monograph is a study of trends in emigration from Iran and the role of Iranian diasporas in developing the country. The book is based on Mehdi Afzalis dissertation research, "The contribution of emigration to the socio-economic development of Iran," carried out under the guidance of Professor S. V. Ryazantsev, as well as materials from other studies of

Iranian migration, carried out by the authors jointly in 2017-2021. The monograph proposes a conceptual framework for assessing the contribution of the Iranian diaspora to the countrys development in special geopolitical conditions. The work also summarizes the statistical data on emigration from Iran, presented in various national and foreign sources of information.

The book contains sociological studies of representatives of the Iranian diasporas living in Russia and other countries.

The monograph is addressed to scientists, civil servants, social workers, teachers, graduate students, students (demographers, sociologists, political scientists, economists), and all those interested in migration processes in Iran.


Afzali M., Ryazantsev S.
Год издания:
Количество страниц:
140x205 мм
0.15 кг
Последний экземпляр
730 ₽
427 ₽ - 42%

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