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Grove S.: The Waning Age

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О товаре

The time is now. The place is San Francisco. The world is filled with adults devoid of emotion and children on the cusp of losing their feelings - of waning .when they reach their teens. Natalia Pena has already waned. So why does she love her little brother with such ferocity that, when hes kidnapped by a Big Brother-esque corporation, shell do anything to get him back? From the New York Times bestselling author of The Glass Sentence comes this haunting story of one determined girl who will use her razor-sharp wits, her martial arts skills, and, ultimately, her heart to fight killers, predators, and the worlds biggest company to rescue her brother and to uncover the shocking truth about waning.


Grove S.
Viking Press
Год издания:
Количество страниц:
138x210 мм
0.35 кг
Осталось мало
833 ₽
506 ₽ - 39%

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